Sunday, May 3, 2015


Colombia changed and the main reason of this was the processes of modernization with the goal of being transformed into capitalism. In that time, Colombia had 4 million of people and 85% lived in the countryside reaching a task of analphabetism of 80%.

Economic transformations in the country during this period, due to its integration into the global economy, resulted in the modernization of Colombian society: railways and roads were built, the industry flourished, cities began to grow and a new social class appeared: the worker. Everything made ​​it seem that during the twentieth century Colombia began to progressively develop compared to the nineteenth century.

In the economic part, Colombia changed a lot in the first half of the century. First of all, Colombia enter to the international market so it changed from agricultural economy to agro export economy and industry. Colombia stopped being a rural country to become an urban country.

New technology had a big impact in the changes of Colombia. They started first with the radio in 1940, in the government of Eduardo Santos. This was the first big step to connect Colombia. The objective of the radio was to connect all the parts of Colombia and the emission had educative and cultural themes. In our opinion, the radio let the other ways of communication get to Colombia. The first emission in the radio, the president did a speech which is the oldest document. Like we said, the main idea of the radio was to to educative and cultural things, but the 1940`s was only the beginning of the communication in Colombia. Since the 86% of the people lived in the countryside of Colombia and not in the cities, the radio played an important role in the modernization of Colombia. One of the reasons, was that most of the Colombians that lived in the countryside were analphabets and they represented the 80% of Colombia. Thanks to the radio, these people learn how to talk and then after, with the inclusion of the TV and other things, Colombia almost completely modernize.

Jorge (2010)Colombia first half century on January of 2015  extracted from:
Nolan(2008) Colombia in the XX on February of 2008. extracted from:
N.A (2014)  The history of the radio in Colombia  Recovered on October of 2014. extracted from: 
Enrique(2004)  100 yeaars of changes Recovered on September of 2004. extracted from: 

Sebastian Sierra
Daniel Sarmiento
Julian Echandia


  1. Me gusto mucho el emfasis que hicieron en la radio y su proposito

  2. Hicieron un buen trabajo con la explicación del radio y los beneficios que trajo, pero pudieron haber explicado un poco mejor la parte de los cambios políticos ya que mencionaron casi nada sobre esto.

    - Alejandra Alzate 9B

  3. Me parece que este articulo esta bien redactado lo cual se hace mas fácil leer, imágenes que expresan lo que esta en el articulo y buena información, pero siento que les falto profundizar mas en la primera pregunta.

    -Lucas Navarro Mora
